Festival of Gracia

Elena Lázaro Housing and Accounting Coordinator


August 5, 2019

 August is a highlight month for most of people from Barcelona, for those who are in the city and like to participate in different events that our city offers. 

One of more emblemathic parties is the Festival of Gracia, which it was its centenary two years ago. They start the 15th of August and the 21st finish and it is also becoming very popular for tourists from years ago.

This is the largest summer street festival that comprises more than 400 events, including workshops, kid’s activities, performing street arts and Catalan cultural traditions.

In these parties, the streets of this neighborhood fill with artistic creations, using recycling materials, and giving a magic environment to one of the northern area of Barcelona. Business, balconies, and every single corner are adorned with a thematic that neighbours have been preparing for almost a year.

Human castles “castellers, locals dancing the “sardana”, revelers dressed as devils running among with giant sparklers for the “correfoc”, and parade of papier-mâché giants “gengants, big heads “cap grossos” and dragons “dracs” are few of the exhibitions that will take place during the festivity week.

Bars and music stages will be the reclaim of Gracia nights, where lights and music will be the main attraction of the dressed streets up.

Here you can find the programme if you want to enjoy this amazing parties.