Embedded Excursion to Marseille

Sílvia Serra Associate Director of Arcadia in Barcelona


March 6, 2018

Last weekend students taking the BUSP370 Brand Barcelona course visit the city of Marseille in France. 

Known to the ancient Greeks and Romas as Massalia, Marseille was the most important trading center in the region and the main commercial port of the Frend Republic. Marseille is now the France's largest city on the Mediterranean coast and the largest port for commerce, freight and cruise ships.

The principal objective of this embedded excursion was to observe and evaluate the urban regeneration of Marseille and the promotional strategies that the city employs. We visit the city center and old port and had a typical French dinner where we had the opportunity to taste the famous creps (pancakes).

The following day we had a conference and a discussion session with Mr. David Escobar, a Bachelor in Geography and holder of a master's degree in urban planning by Aix-Marseille Université, France, about the city's redevelopment  and its consequences, comparing it with the city of Barcelona. 

The excursion ended pooling the student's findings and conclusions. In the subsequent class, students will produce a collective piece of work evaluation the regeneration and promotion of the city.