Becoming artists!

Sílvia Serra Associate Director of Arcadia in Barcelona


February 7, 2018

A regular session of Painting and Drawing course in the Artist’s studio.  Students arrive, take an easel, the materials to draw or paint, and start or continue the proposed exercise. Almost always there’s soft music in the ambient, which helps to isolate a bit from the others in order to concentrate better. Every now and then the professor is around commenting each student’s positive results or any possible mistake in order to help to try to find a solution.

When painting and drawing time flies.

Usually there’s a break in the practical work and the professor speaks about drawing strategies, or about theory of color and the different ways to use it, or he will show great artist’s paintings in order to illustrate better the spoken concepts …

The professor is always available, not only to help in any specific doubt but also to discuss about any artistic or theoretical question it might appear.

In any case, students keep drawing or painting in a relaxed atmosphere of concentration. Practicing and learning to become great artists!

Painting & Drawing class Spring18


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