Stirling Happenings: February 2015

Emily Goetsch Student Services Officer


February 3, 2015

Art and Culture

Greer Ralston: What Lies Beneath: Throughout February, &Collective Art Gallery, Bridge of Allen

Greer Ralston graduated from Glasgow School of Art with a B.A. Hons. in Fine Art. She has worked as a freelance artist for a number of years and has works in public and private collections in the UK and abroad , including those of international sportsmen and entrepreneurs. She lectures and runs a variety of classes and is often called upon to present to Art Groups throughout Scotland.

Bill Herbert on Jade Ladder: Contemporary Chinese Poetry: 16 February, Smith Art Gallery & Museum, 7:30pm

Former Dundee Makar Bill Herbert presents a talk on the book Jade Ladder: Contemporary Chinese Poetry. The book, which he co-edited, demonstrates the diversity of Chinese poetry in English.

David Paterson: Out of Time (Memories of the Neolithic): Throughout February, Smith Art Gallery and Museum

Images of Scotland's neolithic monuments.

Liz Lochhead: Somethings Old, Somethings New: 20 February, Tolbooth, 8pm

Scotland’s Makar performs a mix of poems and monologues old and new with musical accompaniment from Steve Kettley.

Music, Comedy and Dance

Allan Carr: Yap, Yap, Yap: 25 February, macrobert, 8pm

The camp face of Chatty Man proves his status as the King of bitchy comedy. 

Michael McGoldrick, John Doyle and John McCusker: 26 February, Tolbooth, 8pm

Traditional music from master flautist McGoldrick (Flook, Lunasa and Capercaillie), McCusker (Battlefield Band) and guitarist Doyle.

A Complete History of Comedy (Abridged): 11 February, macrobert, 7:30pm

They've skewered history, the Bible and the world's most celebrated playwright. Now, the Reduced Shakespeare Company tackles the subject it was born to reduce.


Lectures, Sports and Local Festivals

Lacrosse: Men's Development Day & National Training: 7-8 February, University of Stirling


