Scotland Awards Spring 2020

Cameron McKay Student Services Officer


May 18, 2020

We were really happy that we had so many entries for the Scotland Awards this semester, especially given all the disruption caused by the Covid-19 outbreak. So thank you everyone who entered the contest, as we really enjoyed seeing what you had been up to this semester. It was really difficult to pick winners with so many great entries, but well done all! The winners for each category are as follows: 

Squad Goals - Bentley Kendal 

Aww, isn’t that cute? - Casey Naranjo 

Wanderlust - Caroline Pennington 

Fantastic Food - Jaci Baker 

Scenic Scotland - Grace Mika 

Special Mention - Jessica Palmer

Blogs - 1st - Erin Fabian 

2nd - Macy Calder

Extra Curricular - Sam Manyak, gliding.

Congratulations to all our winners!