Scotland Awards 2019

Cameron McKay Student Services Officer


December 12, 2019

We were really happy that we had so many entries for the Scotland Awards this semester, and it was very difficult to make a decision with so many brilliant photos and blogs. So thank you everyone who entered the contest, as we really enjoyed seeing what everyone had been up to this semester. Anyway we’ve attached a list below of the winners for each category. Well done all! 

Blogging and Vlogging: Henry Lang - for his blog about his travels in Iceland, Sweden, and Spain.

Extra-curricular: Jenna Minser - for her radio show about knitting at Napier University. Here is a link to the shows if anyone wants to listen:


Wonderlust: Henry Lang

Aw it isn’t that cute: Oliver Tufte

Squad Goals:  Grace Wright-Pazdra

Scenic Scotland: Lina Osmunsdon

Fantastic Food: Seungrok ‘Joanna’ Hong

Special Mentions

Lucy Weidner 

Eugenia ‘Nia’ Li 

Bethany Schlott 

Danni Gutelius 

As promised, the winners for each category get a £10 Amazon voucher plus a cuddly Highland Coo, while the special mentions get a Highland Coo!


Student Life