Fall 2015 Photo Competition Winner

Catherine Fenton Student Services Officer


February 3, 2016

The Edinburgh Center is delighted to congratulate the Fall 2015 photo competition winner and three runners-up. Many thanks to everyone for all the fantastic photos.

First place and winner of $50 Amazon voucher is:

  • Bridgit O'Hara from Roger Williams University 'Loch Eil'

Bridgit O'Hara

The runners up with a prize of a $15 Amazon voucher goes to:

  • Gaelen McCartney from Temple University 'Tennents Brewery'

  • Abby Woodring from Arcadia University 'Isle of Skye, Sheepdog' Abby Woodring - Isle of Skye, sheepdog
  • Annette Hilton from the College of Wooster 'St Andrews Beach'