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Spring 2025 Arcadia Author Talk with David Goodman: A Reluctant Spy
This semester we invited David Goodman to talk to our students and our creative travel writing class about his latest novel… More
This semester we invited David Goodman to talk to our students and our creative travel writing class about his latest novel… More
This semester we invited David Goodman to talk to our students and our creative travel writing class about his latest novel A Reluctant Spy. The protagonist is a Scottish ‘fish out of water’ who is recruited to be the human cover story for an actual fully… More
If you enjoyed the movie Poor Things, read the novel! Perhaps surprising is so many reviews of this brilliant film ignore the underlying political subtext. Alasdair Gray, the author of the book the film was adapted from was not uninterested in the politics… More
Over the last two semesters, Arcadia Scotland has been delighted to host two award winning authors; Alice Thompson and Martin MacInnes. Both writers discussed their latest novels Chimera and In Ascension with our students. These works explore deep themes… More
As part of the orientation for the University of Glasgow Summer Research STEM program, I led the students on a tour of the National Museum of Scotland for an introduction to the history of science in Scotland. As part of the tour I showed them the medals… More
We were delighted to welcome James Robertson to the Arcadia Center once again to discuss his latest novel, the News of the Dead, with our students. This novel is truly epic in the sense that it covers 1300 years of Scotland's past, all centred on… More