UN Familiarization Group

Sarra Chadi Student Life Health and Safety Assistant Director


March 14, 2016

Celebrating International Women's Day at the World Food Programme

Arcadia Students enrolling in the UN Familiarization Group were invited last week to the commemoration of International Women's Day, an event organized by the UN's, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the World Food Programme (WFP) and the International Development Law Organization (IDLO).

The theme of this year's Day is "Planet 50:50: Step It Up for Gender Equality & Zero Hunger", a call to "Step it Up" with more resources and greater political action to eradicate hunger and reach the world's new Sustainable Development Goals.

The panel of women invited for the event was amazing! It gathered together partners from NGOs, private sectors and representatives of youth forums who firmly believe that empowering women and girls, especially in rural areas, by giving them equal rights to resources and education is the key for building a world free of poverty and hunger and for achieving the 2030 sustainable development agenda.

It was very stimulating to listen to women, coming from different countries, talking about their own experience. Women who realized projects, promoted initiatives, created businesses and job opportunities and changed their community for the better. Bethlehem Tilahun from Ethiopia is a great example. She is the founder and manager director of Sole Rebels, the most successful African shoe brand, selling over 55 countries. Another example is Emanuela Saporito, Co-founder of Orti Alti, a project that aims at creating a network of rooftops orchards and vegetable gardens to improve urban environment and produce food.

Having been exposed to such an important event promoted by the UN was extremely enriching and inspiring for our students.

Many of them shared their impressions. Here are some of the quotes received last week:

It was a wonderful experience to be surrounded by proud, accomplished women discussing their achievements and future goals for improving women's lives all over the world. I feel truly inspired after ending the International Women's Day event at the World Food Programme and I hope to continue and help with their efforts in the future". - Elizabeth Bowlby, Arcadia University

I'm really impressed of what these women are doing. I admire the way they are helping women living in country (like Africa) in which there is no respect for them. How they are helping them to speak with their husbands or to study inside the university. This could be obvious for us but not for them. I was fascinated by their job and I would really like to help to make the difference. Because as Ertharin Cousin mentions in her speech: "Even a drop of water in an ocean can make the difference. "So I would like to be that drop of water". - Marila Scozzarro, Università degli Studi Roma Tre. 

It was an extraordinary experience to listen to women leaders speak about their contributions to promote equality for both men and women. It also was an amazing feeling to be sitting in the WFP with men that are also committing into gender equality". - Aketzalli Garcia, Arcadia University


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