Let's stay connected!

Sarra Chadi Student Life Health and Safety Assistant Director


March 18, 2020

Leaving Italy for most of our Spring semester students has been much more of a struggle.

During the last week, when the decision to suspend our programs in Italy was taken, students came by our center in Rome with misty eyes to say goodbye.

You could tell that no one was really ready to go back in the States, not when everyone had gotten used to his or her new "home" and started to feel a sense of belonging to a new community that welcomed all of our students made them feel comfortable and safe. We all know that this decision was taken for a good reason. The outbreak was starting to cover the globe and concerns about the limitations were growing compromising everyone's life.

BUT the semester didn't end! The online classes are allowing students to interact with their professors and to be connected to Italy. In the coming days, there will be other events that will continue to keep the students engaged with the program.

Everyone has certainly a lot of stories, photos and videos to share and keep the good memories alive. This week we are starting with a photo contest. Everyone is invited to post their best pictures, giving a glimpse of the city or any place they particularly liked in Italy.

All the students will vote for the best picture and the winner will receive a gift.

It's not all. We will be collecting and sharing reflections, blog posts and videos, so stay tuned!