Giudizio Universale Experience


October 22, 2018

Blog post by Lucrezia RossiRoma Tre student and intern at the Arcadia Rome Center - Fall 2018

An amazing show that has become a must!

Colorful, thrilling and amazing: these are only three among so many adjectives that can describe the Last Judgement live show, which combines ancient art with the new technologies.

Since the beginning of the show, the audience falls into the magical scenario of the Italy of the 16th century, when Michelangelo is about to complete the David statue. Later on, the spectator finds him/herself right into the Sistine Chapel, the same way it was at that time, where Michelangelo and Pope Giulio II explain him/her everything about the sidewall paintings of the Chapel.

And it’s in this very moment that the journey through one of the most popular masterpiece of art begins.
Clearly, this 270° immersive projections show, let us look at the paintings closely, so that we can see lots of details that are more difficult to observe in the real Sistine Chapel.

“I really like the experience, especially when the actors came into the audience and how detailed the projections were onto the ceilings to make it seem like you were really in the Chapel! Additionally, I liked how inclusive it was that they had performances in English (and that they gave out headsets) so that even tourists could go! - Annie

If I did not persuade you yet about the beauty of the live show, maybe it will the excellent cast involved in it: from Sting (composer of the soundtrack) to Susan Sarandon (the holy Bible’s voice for the English version) and Pier Francesco Favino (Michelangelo’s voice for the Italian version). In addition to them, dancers and actors are amazing; same words are worth for both wardrobe and scenography.

Last but not least, although the cast is so brilliant, I must admit that the images projected all around the theater are so incredible that can capture the audience attention even without the narrating voices. But the truth is that the Last Judgement live show is so surprising because it combines not only images, music and storytelling, but also because joins smells to the other items.

I really liked that you could see zoomed- in parts of the Sistine Chapel because we were able to see them in greater detail than usual. We also got to know some specifics of the story which made me understand Michelangelo’s intention for the painting better. - Siena

Just to make an example of audience involvement into the show, the spectator takes part in the Conclave, thanks to the 3D images projected, the sounds and also the incense smell.

We just have to leave the theater, turn around and admire St. Peter’s Church, starting to plan a visit to the one and only Sistine Chapel.

