International Transgender Day of Visibility 2023

Stanley Van der Ziel Student Life Officer


March 31, 2023

Arcadia Ireland is committed to sustaining a diverse and inclusive student community. This is why we were very proud a few weeks ago to publish this blog post by Oli Vorster, a current student in our Dublin Parliamentary Internship programme who is part of the trans community. The blog is honest about the challenges experienced by a non-binary student studying and living in a foreign country, but it also inspires confidence by highlighting the huge steps made by Irish society in recent years where it comes to providing safe spaces for members of the LGBTQ+ community.

Since 31 March is International Transgender Day of Visibility, it seemed appropriate to draw renewed attention to this recent post. Hopefully it will inspire confidence in any other young people thinking of coming to study with us in Ireland in the near future!

You can find Oli’s full blog post via this link.

