Farewell University of Kentucky!

Mary McSwiney Student Life Officer


July 20, 2015

It feels like yesterday this group arrived. I can’t believe it’s already time to say goodbye to our second summer custom group, from the University of Kentucky Lexington.

Looking back over the past 4 weeks it’s not surprising that time has flown. It has definitely been an action-packed programme!

In addition to their classes these taxation students had several guest speakers; from the Irish Revenue Commission, the Small Business Firms and Institute of Public Administration, as well as a visit to Ernst & Young.

They also had a great schedule of events giving them a chance to experience so many of the different themes of Irish culture and life;

Imagined Ireland: Tour of Trinity College, the Book of Kells and a visit to the National Library for an exhibition of the works of our most famous poet W.B. Yeats.

Active Ireland: Visit to the Cliffs of Moher and a trip to Wicklow where they visited Powerscourt House and gardens, as well as the ancient monastic site of Glendalough.

Global Ireland: A production of the stunning ‘’Riverdance’’, as well as a visit to the Titanic Center in Belfast and to Guinness Storehouse in Dublin.

Local Ireland: Historical walking tour of Dublin, a visit to Dáil Eireann (the Irish Parliament), a City tour of Belfast and an overnight trip to the beautiful Galway City.

All in all a great way to experience Ireland!

Slán abhaile Kentucky!! (Safe home!!)