Celebrating the Women that Inspire Us

Carly Harward Student Life Officer


March 6, 2020

International Women’s Day (March 8, 2020) is a day to celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. This year for International Women’s Day at Arcadia Ireland, we sent a call out to our students, staff, and community members to tell us about a woman that has inspired them. Take a look below to read who inspires members of the greater Arcadia Ireland community! 

Tom Kelley, Director Arcadia Ireland

"For me it will be Maude Gonne (1866-1953). Irish revolutionary, artistic muse for many. She was a leading and admired political and cultural voice at a critical era in Ireland's history. She was also a voice and example for women in shaping the fortunes of the Irish people."

Grainne Hand, Assistant Director Arcadia Ireland

“The woman who inspires me this year is Linn hand - my mother! Having had major back/spinal surgery in the last few weeks, her main goal is now to return to the hobby she loves most, ballroom dancing! She does exactly what she is advised to do by the people who know best. She has embraced change as the years have gone by and has put in all the work tocreate a full and meaningful life as she travels through the process of aging. She never complains and sees the positive side to a negative situation and she is both empathic and intuitive. At 79, she looks 62 and is my hero!

Linda Crennan, Community Garda

“Katie Taylor is a woman that I have great respect for. When women’s boxing was unheard of she ispired so many women and people in Ireland. I went to see her in the Olympic final in London 2012 and it was the best sporting event I ever attended… She has gone on to box professionally in American and is a great role model for any young person.”

Catherine Fulvio, TV Chef, Author and Founder of Ballyknocken Cookery School

“My life has been greatly inspired by my mother, Mary Byrne. Apart from being such a kind, generous, loving, positive person in my life, she’s been my role model of female entrepeneurs before the term was ever used. For extra farm income, she set up a pretty busy Christmas turkey business (I know because I was one of the turkey pluckers!), she grew our own produce, she made breads, cakes and jams and sold them at the local market, she set up one of Ireland’s first farmhouse Bed and Breakfasts and went on to specialise in weekly hiking holidays! I learnt how to work hard, how to think creatively, how to cook… And most importantly how to work in a career that you love. Like my mother I do something that gives me joy every day.”

John Moriarty, Irish Programmes Officer 

“JK Rowling for the Harry Potter series. The books were magical. There was a 24-hour supermarket near my house; I queued up to buy the final book when it was released one minute after midnight. I was 19 :(“

Manuela Kovacevic, External Assistant for Student Excursions and Movements

“The woman who inspires me most is my mum Elvira! She is one of those ladies who will manage to do everything on their own, no matter the nature of the task and situation. Always so brave, resourceful and persistent, she just does not know about ‘no’ or ‘impossible’. Despite all challenges and troubles life brought her, she simply enjoys small things and somehow manages to stay positive no matter what. I truly admire her!”

Sarah Reese, Program Manager

“The woman who inspires me is my sister, Laura Reese. When she was just six-years-old, she underwent invasive brain surgery for a tumor in her head that was the size of a brick. Laura has always beat all odds bet against her. Her unfortunate circumstances inspired her to shape her career toward helping others. Today, she is a registered nurse at Western Psychiatric Hospital in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She plans to next pursue her Master of Science in Nursing. She inspires me everyday to take control of your own destiny!”

Chanae Brown, Program Manager

“This year, I have been inspired by Meghan Markle. Becoming a real life princess is something that most of us can only dream of! The grace and poise that she has shown while being so heavily scrutinized provides me with the strength to get through rough days. I also love her sense of style and look forward to seeing her and her family thrive in future years!”

It is great to hear a bit about who has inspired those we work with to become the powerful individuals that they are today! On this International women’s day, perhaps you can reach out to a woman that inspires you and thank them for all that they do!