Top Ten Tips

James Ballantyne Regional Program Manager


July 23, 2014

1. Take advantage of orientation - The information that we deliver at orientation will be incredibly helpful throughout your time here. Particularly in the early stages when you are trying to find your way around, in as cheap a way as possible. Pay attention. Take notes. It will be worth it.

2. Be aware of what you're spending - You'll be excited and you'll be wanting to do everything all at once. Take a breath and think first. You have plenty of time to get things done. Why not press pause and make sure you do your research first? This way, you are more likely to get the best deals whether you are looking for a day trip or your dinner.

3. You don't have to bring EVERYTHING with you - Everything that you need, or that you think you need, can be brought in the UK. This is particularly important to note with regards to bulky stuff. Give yourself some more suitcase stuff and buy the chunky things when you get over here. We will show you the best place to get bedding, towels and the like during orientation.

4. Don't bring your whole wardrobe - This ties in with point 3, but really - you don't need to bring every single pair of shorts you own or every single tank top. Be realistic and remember that you CAN wash your clothes. Besides, we have a store called Primark here that is cheap enough for you to stock up your wardrobe upon arrival.

5. Voltages are different here - so if you don't want to risk destroying your hair dryer or your straighteners, don't bring them! You can buy more cheaply once you are over here.

6. Plan trips ahead of time - If there are any locations you want to visit, or events you would like to attend - get planning NOW. Planning in advance will save you money. The semester will also shoot by, and before you know it you won't have done half the things you want too. We don't want you guys to regret anything, so get started with your schedule now.

7. Brace yourselves for culture shock - You might think that because we all speak the same language, that culture shock won't affect you. But everything from the food, to your academics, will be different. This is not a bad thing, but make sure you are aware of this to avoid feeling a strong sense of displacement.

8. Ask questions - Your dedicated programme manager is ready and waiting to support you. Don't be afraid to ask for advice directly.

9. Keep Calm - Stay Social - Keep up to date with all that is going on around the Center, in London and further afield.


10. More advice - Our top ten tips are just scratching the surface. Check out this page for answers to any of your more specific questions.

We cannot wait to meet you all.