Student Interview: Emily Daley JCU, Spring 2016


July 4, 2016

Student Interview: Emily Daley

Program: James Cook University, Marine Biology
Home School: University of Tampa

What do you wish you knew before studying abroad at JCU?

Overall the orientation was really great in Melbourne and I felt really prepared before arriving in Townsville to study.

I knew about some of the university Hall activities from my sister’s friend who had told me about the games they played during O week – I was thankful she’d told me as it wasn’t such a shock when the Fossils got the freshers up late at night.

Why did you choose JCU?

I want to study marine biology and science and JCU has a great program.

What was the most challenging aspect of your transition from American college life to Australian Uni life?

Lectures are so big here – back home it’s maybe 20 students, here it’s more like 200 but everything is online here so it’s always accessible and I really liked that.

Also there is less tests and more papers here and that’s how I prefer learning so I like the Australian way of assessment.

What did a normal day or week look like for you?

I worked really hard during the week so I could travel on the weekends – I had classes from Monday to Thursday and during the beginning of semester before there was too much assessment I was able to travel on long weekends up to Cairns, down to Byron bay and up to Bali and really see more of the East Coast and internationally. Later in the semester this was too hard so I was glad I travelled a lot early in the term.

What was your favourite excursion with Arcadia?

I liked the day trip out to the Wulgurukaba Plant trail, Picnic at Big Crystal creek and swimming in crystal clear waters. Frosty Mango was a great way to finish the day!

What was your favourite experience in the classroom?

There are many field trips and excursions – my subject only had one excursion but there are so many field trips in the study abroad subjects.

What is one thing that every JCU student should do?

Travel. There are also so many uni events, try out for all kinds of sports and sometimes I met friends at the try outs and then didn’t continue with the sport! There are heaps of coffee shops around Townsville, Juliette’s for ice cream on the strand, Magnetic Island – plan early to explore around so you can fit it all in during semester.

Why have you decided to stay? What are your plans after you graduate?

I was always considering staying but I wanted to arrive and get a feel for Townsville before I decided. I knew right away I was going to stay – I love it here. The classes are more hands on, more independent. The subjects we study are more specifically honed into one area and less general, I loved my classes, the uni, the electives and I loved the social atmosphere at Uni hall.  I plan on working or doing grad school here in Australia.

Why would you recommend JCU to other students/ what kind of student would you recommend for JCU?

Marine Biology students for sure, anyone who enjoys field trips, you are able to get ON the reef, there are so many opportunities for hands on engagement!  I just don't get that at home.

How did Arcadia have an impact on your experience?

It was SUPER easy getting here – everything was looked after, paperwork, excursions, orientation. I liked always having someone to talk to if there was a problem. Having a staff member on-site really converted my parents over to travelling to Australia because they knew I had someone looking after me. My classes transfer back really easily with Arcadia and I felt so much more comfortable before I came because I knew everything was organised for me. The orientation in Melbourne helped me settle in, make friends and it felt more like having a family because we were such a small group of like-minded people who looked out for each other. I’d definitely recommend Arcadia again!


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