New Arrivals!

Marion Finlay Associate Director


August 12, 2015

At the Melbourne Center, we have been welcoming in all of our new students who have just recently arrived in Australia. We have been holding local events as well as welcome dinners right across the country. This is a great way to catch up with students, hear their news, and share some stories about what they are loving or finding difficult about being so far away from home.

In Melbourne last week our students had lunch before setting out on a city tour. In Sydney the students did the iconic Bondi to Coogee walk. They also did their first (of many) walks over the Sydney Harbour Bridge before having dinner at the Australian Hotel and trying their first Pavlova (a fabulous Australian dessert). The Wollongong students were introduced to the Thursday night food markets and they discovered the back streets of town, where there are fabulous dessert bars tucked away. Up in Queensland our students have been on bike excursions to orientate themselves with the local areas and had delicious welcome breakfasts and lunches at fabulous cafes.

We are absolutely loving our new cohort of students in Australia this semester. Already some of them have secured work or volunteer opportunities. Maurice Scott (Arcadia) has already been training hard with the UNSW rowing team three times a week, and many of the USYD students have secured internship placements.

We want to wish all of our students good luck over the coming months and we look forward to seeing them flourish.